And now, for something slightly different ...
The Milky Way galaxy with the constellations Cassiopeia and
Original from NASA. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Public Domain.
Signs and Portents
by Judith Cullen
© 2018
Cracks and lines in the pavement
have no actual orthopedic import.
Stomp as you will, sidewalks are not
an avenue for parental retribution.
Just because Mom hollered out the window
"Stop it!" in 1972, and the snow ceased,
Does not mean she controls the weather.
So you can put that telephone down.
Yes, it began to rain that summer day
while you worked with your friend.
He is not lucky, like a jade Buddha.
You certainly may not rub his tummy.
In a seemingly random universe,
teetering between control and chaos,
we grasp for meaning where we can,
hoping for a hand hold on surety.
Whether it actually exists or not
we find comfort in the occasional,
embracing cosmic import in the
fortuitous fidelity of coincidence.