An Author in Search of a Genre
By Judith Cullen
© 2015
We like to categorize.
It makes it easier to find things we need or want when they are
classified, organized: canned vegetables in this aisle, pasta and soups in the
next. Everything sorted and alphabetized so we can lay hands on it at just the
right moment. It is not a bad working concept.

Authors are regularly asked to categorize themselves. What do you write? What is your genre? The literary word is a vast series of pigeon
holes and authors are challenged to fit themselves into as many as possible to
make their work easier to access by interested readers. It makes sense, right? Yet I continually find myself straining at
those carefully drawn boundaries. I know
other writers who have chosen more defined markets for their books, and are
much more prosperous than I: Christian Romance, Historical Romance, Historical
Fiction, etc. Am I only a fiction
writer? Am I only an essay writer? Do I have any claim to being a poet? Why can’t I wrap all these things up in the
term “author” and just write what inspires me?
I can, and I have, chosen to do the later. It’s probably not
the brightest commercial choice in the world, but I am not writing solely to
turn a profit. And I haven’t, not
yet. The Internal Revenue Service
defines the length of time you can professionally pursue something at a
financial loss as five years, then they declare it a “hobby.” I have three years left on their timeline. I
do not accept their definition as my own. This is a journey, and it may take a
decade or more, given that I began with less than nothing. However long it takes, it is my journey. But this essay is not about tax codes either.
Asked after my first year of
writing what I wrote, what my subject is, I answered “If
there is anything that connects much of my work, I think it is belief. By that, I do not necessarily mean
religion. My work reflects my personal
conviction that there is “more on heaven and earth than is dreamt of” to
quote. I don’t actually care what people
believe in, but I think it is essential to believe in something beyond yourself
that cannot be seen and frequently does not make “logical” sense. I think only by such leaps of faith can we
truly believe in, and be true to, ourselves.
We attribute too much power, especially in western culture, to things:
things which do not have a soul, or energy of their own.”
It felt like the answer of the moment, and almost two years
later it still fits. I write stories,
fiction and essays, about life’s journey and the power within each of us. Call it God-given, call it the Universe, call
it what you will. We all have a power
granted us at sentience, and we are all handed the choice of good or ill: big
choices, important choices, small everyday choices. What do we do with what we are given?
All around us, the world feels like it is descending into
one perpetual Ridley Scott movie. Everyday it seems to be more distressingly
depressing: bombings, beheadings, deceit, theft, anger, and hate. We see our world devolving into chaos and
darkness – that is the constant message we receive: “It’s all going to hell!” Yet,
here I sit on a sunny May morning looking out at a clear blue sky, and vibrant
green trees and the world does not seem to be all death, grief, and sorrow. So is the world going down the abyss of doom? Yeah, it is doing and it has done
before. What makes the difference? We do: each of us does individually, and then
Look, historically this is not the first time things were
grim. It is not even the grimmest time in history. Think of feudal times:
tyranny, inquisitions, slavery, war, pestilence, terror. We have invented none of these things in our
modern age. Why are we experiencing
these things again? Haven’t we outgrown
grim? No, we have not. We still have lessons to learn, lessons that begin on
the personal level and without fear or hate.
Changes that will come from the ground up, not legislated from
above. It does not “trickle down.” The
magic to transform our world begins and ends with each of us. That’s not bullshit.
So how does this relate to my search for my pigeon hole as
an author, or my denial of same? I still
write about belief. I still write about
the power and magic within each of us, and the wonders unseen that surround us. I write about these things for myself, and
because I believe they are an important message for our time. There are plenty of people talking about the horrors,
dangers and threats – defining them, analyzing them, debating them. I am not needed in that conversation, there
are plenty of voices there and I have nothing new to contribute. It is not that I deny their importance; it is
simply not a discourse I can be effective in.
I believe that what you focus on, you manifest. That is part of our magic, the core of our
personal power. Focus on anger,
intolerance, fear and that is what you manifest – even as your conscious mind
struggles against it. Focus on the power
you have within you to nurture your own seed, and to be a positive, life-affirming
influence for yourself and for those around you, and slowly you begin to manifest
love, tolerance, kindness, and understanding.
Who knows? Maybe it might catch
on. This is a discourse I can be effective in.
Maybe five or ten years down the road I will look back on
this moment and roll my eyes at my own naiveté. But that’s part of the journey
as well: learning not to judge the seed, but to simply plant it let it grow
free of presumption. I write. I write about belief. I write about the power each of us was born
with, and that we spend our entire lives trying to understand and access. It is
my personal journey. It is the journey
of every reading soul who finds they can relate to what I have to offer, and
that it has relevance in their own lives.
Okay, now try searching for THAT on Amazon!
I enjoyed reading this very much, Judy. :-) <3