Have you ever heard Charles Dickens' classic in its entirety? . . . no dialogue excerpts, no rewrites, no commercial breaks? Probably not. It takes about 3 hours and 20 minutes in total. I know, I have presented it in live readings every year since 2009. I usually present it in two (roughly) 90 minute sessions. This year, in addition to offering it in Second Life, I will be streaming it in live sessions in the days before the holiday itself.
Think of it! The immediacy of a live reading in the comfort of your own home. You don't have to make me tea, make sure I have a place to park, or worry that I'll be offended if you have to nip into the next room to shift the laundry. You can tune in on your computer just like you would a radio and listen in while you deck your halls, wrap presents, finish your cards, or just sit back with the favorite holiday beverage or snack of your choice. You might even share it with your holiday guests!
Help me by taking my poll in the right margin, and let me know what time you might be most likely to listen in. It will help me decide how to program my time. Then check back here after December 15th ti-o check the performance time(s).

Happy Holidays, and Blessing to you and yours where ever you may be.
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