Friday, June 21, 2013


by JT Perreault from Creative Commons
Stephanie Mesler's Haiku Throwdown this week was "Journey" which I have been pondering a lot. I figured like MORE THAN it would be five or six haikus in a cycle.  OOPS!  Guess I was wrong there.  This one took off and thirteen cycles later .... where has my mind been at lately, eh?

(c) 2013 by Judith Cullen
looking at one step

that is the start of the path

the hesitation

where will this path lead?

is it like all the others

no two are alike

stepping off freely

the path is unknown to you

what will this one be?

a short, sharp journey?

a lesson timely and true?

friends joined for a time

short friends and paths

they provide the same insight

valuable now

not all paths are so

each purpose is different

short paths, long paths, all

long paths wander in

and out of your life’s landscape

always familiar

long paths give you place

a good sense of your bearings

never wandering far

there are the rare paths

lifetime long, straight, and constant

we search for those paths

hesitate no step

stepping is required of you

all paths are valid

each path brings something

each path has that which you need

do not pick and choose

step away, step on

let the world squish beneath you

squeezing through your toes

step away, step on

all paths await your treading

all are the journey

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